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- See it, believe it
What‘s your “why”? following on from yesterday’s mindset blog, I’ve started creating my first vision board. Our “why“ to what we do what we do is crucial. It drives us, and reminds us why we do the early mornings, late nights, and keeps pushing forward when things are tough. Do you have a vision board?
- Mind over matter?
Mindset is something I’m working on. I can be a “perfectionist” about things, which can lead to paralysis by analysis, which can ultimately lead to me not doing the thing I set out to do. I also need to manage my mindset with the highs and lows of freelancing. Basically, I believe mindset is everything and I’m determined to keep working on mine! Any tips? Send them my way!
- Flying by the seat of my pants
Today I had my first character development session with Dian Perry (as previously referenced). It was awesome. After finishing my acting degree I moved to New Zealand for five years and really got into improvisation. Since returning to the UK I’ve done very little and today I was reminded how much joy it brings me! Sure, it can be totally terrifying flying by the seat of your pants, but it is so freeing! It’s so wonderful to truly get out of your own head and just trust your instincts. I’m the same when I do presentations, obviously I need to know my stuff, but I prefer to read the room and adapt, than to overally rehearse my notes. I know this is different for many. Are you a fan of improv? I‘d love to know.
- Watch and Learn
I’ve not been to one of these sessions for awhile and they are so valuable. I need to get myself organised and send in a demo for critique myself, but you still learn so much from the feedback given to others. In an increasingly competitive sector I realise the importance of performing to the best of my ability in each audition. I also want to just keep developing my skill set and making sure I’m always striving to improve. This session was run by Toby Ricketts for Gravy for the Brain and it was really well done 👏🏻
- Put on my big girl pants
I’ve felt a bit unmotivated today. I didn’t have set objectives for the day and this can lead to me feeling overwhelmed at times. I can’t say it was my most productive day business wise, but I forced myself to do some of my daily tasks (auditions, social connections etc) And importantly I checked in with a company I’d love to work with, which I’d felt weirdly nervous to do. So I’m giving myself a pat on the back for that. Tomorrow is another day 😊
- Tell me more
One of the things I love about social media is “meeting“ people who I wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to. Obviously, there are some interractions I could do without, but on the whole it’s a really positive and beneficial experience. I love learning about new things from people who are passionate about what they do, building my own knowledge of the world and hearing from others, who’s experience of the world is so far from my own. The phrase “everyday‘s a school day” is certainly true of social media, as long as you listen and keep an open mind. I’m hear to learn and share. Do you agree?
- Niche down
Despite what I’d like to believe, I can’t do it all. I know, shocking, right?! Last night was the One Voice Awards, these are a big deal in the voiceover industry and for a relative newbie in this industry, hugely inspiring. Watching these awards be handed out has made me look again at my goals. What is it that I actually want to achieve? What do I care most about? When it comes to Voiceover, I want to do everything (well nearly everything!) but that’s not possible. It can overwhelimg sometimes but getting to the root of what inspires me most will hopefully help focus my attention and ultimately increase my chances of achieving my aims. That‘s my theory anyway.
- Mental health awareness
I am not good at switching off. My brain is always whirring with ideas, which is sometimes great, but it does mean it’s hard to know when enough is enough. Today I have had a full day off work and crucially I’ve not felt bad about it. The feeling that I’m not doing enough is something I need to work on, I need to learn to cut myself more slack but knowing this rationally is very different from putting it in to practice. I’m learning though, or at least accepting, and today I did a good job.
- Hi! I'm Jen Lawton-Hunt
I felt a palpable sense of relief when I finally hit upload on my video intro. This is another thing I've had on the to-do list that I've been procrastinating about. Being in front of a camera is a reasonably comfortable place for me... when I'm playing a character. When I'm showing up as myself it's bizarrely terrifying. I did it though! And I'm chuffed about it. Since uploading it, I've had a few people reach out and admit its also parked on their to-do list. If you're one of these people, this is your sign to do it! Do it now! Once you've done it, let me know so I can cheer you on. If you want to check mine out here's the link to my Linkedin page
- Meta (no verse)
OK, I don't want to get too meta here but finally creating this blog is a big deal for me. I've been contemplating it for awhile, but was apprehensive about what value I could add to an over saturated marketing. Working as a freelancer can be tough. I'm a driven person with big goals and I'm still trying to learn the art of patience. I want to sprint all the time, and well, that just aint possible. I decided to keep a physical note each day of at least one positive thing that I'd accomplished to move myself towards my goals. As I say in my intro, some days this might be a big step, some days this might be a baby step. It's still a step in the right direction. This helps me appreciate the effort I'm putting in and not just the outcomes. It also helps my appreciate all the little lovely things that happen, that I might overlook as I try and race onwards. With the decision to start this process, I also decided to share my #littlewins #dailygratitude whatever what you want to call it in a blog in case anyone else is in a similar place on their journey. I hope for anyone who reads this, you too might consider doing the same (if you don't already) and recording, or at least appreciating your efforts and all the wonderful little steps you're taking on your journey toward your goals. I would love to know how you get on!
- Follow up
Following an audition a few days ago, I've been asked for a list of the companies I've voiced for, to ensure I haven't worked with one of their competitors. This is the first time I've been asked to provide this. I would also need to sign an NDA. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little excited. Keep your fingers crossed for me please.
- Ray of sunshine
Truth be told, I've been in a bit of a funk today so I reached out to a fellow Voiceover Artist in an attempt to shake myself out of it. She sent me such a positive note to pick me up and to help lift me out of my mope. It really made me smile and was such a generous move, thank you Carla. I can definitely see why she's the hot ticket if you want a voice of god at any sporting event! Your audience will thank you. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Carla Terry