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30 items found for ""

  • SEO

    Ok, as creative freelancer, I know I'm not the only one who, A. feels a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of website SEO and/or, B. puts off its upkeep. BUT little by little I'm making improvements and that's definitely a positive step forward. I've started looking in to my branding as a business so there's certainly going to be a lot more steps to take in the coming months. One step at time though, right?! Jen Lawton-Hunt Northern British Voiceover and Actor ;)

  • Shut down

    I tend to work for an hour- hour and a half each evening as a way of fitting everything in. I don‘t tend to mind, but it can be draining so tonight I booked a night off (with myself) and shut down my laptop... now I just need to switch my brain off!

  • Get me!

    Any one else feel smug when they tick things off their to-do list first thing? I'm most smug when I’ve exercised early doors but work tasks are a close second 😊

  • & just one more snack

    Ok, this might not seem note-worthy (do they ever?) as I’m a Voice Actor, but it’s the school holidays and whilst my booth is excellent, having a small child knocking for snacks is never going to go unnoticed. Really pleased therefore to have successfully submitted 5 auditions this morning. Wish me luck!

  • Happy Global Running Day!

    I love running. That having been said, sometimes I find it hard to make it a priority when things are hectic. Life is busy with young kids, a Voiceover business and my other work. I can tell when I’ve not been Running for a while as all the things feel more weighty and my mood dips. This run was more of run/walk/stop by the reservoir and listen to the water kind of outing but it really helped centre me again and put the spring back in my step. What are your ways of keeping on an even keel?

  • Salt and vinegar?

    Needed a change, fancied a treat. Took the kids up to some local hills for tea, and had fish and chips looking out over the view. Felt great to shake things up.

  • Consistency is the key

    This is a phrase that I hear a lot, and that I’m trying to work on. I have a habit of getting over excited, going in too hard, at a level that’s not sustainable... and then burning out. I’m not a little and often kind of person, I‘m more of a jump in the deep end with bells on kind of person. I understand though that to be successful as a Voiceover Artist (and at anything really) over a long period of time takes consistent effort and at times this can be tough, because well... life! I’m just trying to keep chipping away contacting new leads and making connections and maintaining some kind of daily structure. Do you have things you do consistently, come what may?

  • This is a big one

    I love acting. My background is in theatre/TV acting and a string to bow I would love to add is experience in Performance Capture. (A potted history: If you'd told 15 year old me I'd be clamouring to get in front of a room full of cameras in skin-tight lycra, I would have laughed in your face, and yet here we are. I've taken the leap, and signed up to a course with the Performance Capture Academy who've created a new Pcap/Voice course with PitStop Productions (who it would be an absolutely dream to work with again) specifically focussed on working in video games. I'm going to honest, I'm terrified, but also so, SO excited! I'll let you know how I get on! Step

  • Creative Spark!

    Being freelance and finding the majority of my own work means I'm always on the look out for new companies and people to collaborate with. Mainly this is awesome, where the world feels like an endless possibility for creativity and growth and connection but there are definitely times where this feels like a huge challenge and truthfully a massive pain in the arse. I had been experiencing the latter recently where things were getting on top of me and I was feeling drained. One of the things that turned it around was discovering some companies that really resonated with me, who's values and creativity sparked something with me and actively reminded me of the possibilities of new connections, and why we(I) make the effort. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be able to work together in the future! Onwards and upwards!

  • Limber up

    ... your vocal attributes. VO Yoga is a monthly voiceover workout run by the one and only Dian Perry, I feel like Dian has has quite a lot of "air time" in my blog, but honestly she's worth it (I promise I'm not getting paid). For any VO's out there reading this (new or experienced) check these sessions out, they're a great opportunity to stay fresh, try out new scripts and get feedback. The group is extremely welcoming and friendly. The sessions are also free! See you there!

  • What makes you open up?

    The module was on writing subject lines for emails and Marc Scott offers some great advice. I think in a lot of respects, it’s probably a case of trial and error. I try and think about what makes me want to open an email from someone I don’t know, and for me it’s mainly humour and thinking I might gain something by doing so. What do you reckon? Do you have a preference?

  • Hello there!

    Let's be a clear I do this a lot. It's not glamorous (what is?) but it needs a space on this daily positives blog though, because it's a big part of me trying to make my goals a reality. If you get an email from me, it's because I think you're awesome, so please respond. 😁

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